Monday, July 12, 2010

Before & After

          So before we came to Louisiana I wanted to get the house super clean, that way when we get home that will be one thing I won't have to worry about (I am my Mothers daughter).  Well I took on a big job and decided to clean our sofa & love seat they were a sweet gift from Marks parents when we got our house. They are in excellent condition especially considering Mark comes from a family of boys!!  So they were a little bit dirty not that anyone ever noticed but I needed a project & I am a bit of a clean freak so it worked out great & they now look brand new!!  Thanks Roger & Gina


1 comment:

  1. Yea, I love all the updates. And I totally agree with the cleaning. We cannot go anywhere unless the house is CLEAN! Also it looks like you guys have so much fun all the time. Chris and I are soooo lame and we don't really do anything. I think we are going to start a park day too though, that sounds like fun :-)
