So that last post I started last August and never published it sorry:) Life has been good crazy but good. Since the fourth of July we celebrated me and Marks birthdays drove home from Louisiana celebrated Halloween, Thanksgiving, Paislee's FIRST Birthday(BIG event pictures soon!! By the way she was walking at 9 months!!) Christmas, New Years and Valentines Day!! WOW I am officially the worst blogger I will try to get some pictures up:) In a nut shell we have been loving life. We just got home from a Caribbean cruise so amazing! Left Paislee with my sister Mindy(THANKS SO MUCH) for the longest we have ever been apart from her 8 whole days don't worry I cried like a big baby and Paislee was just fine. In preparation for our cruise Mark convinced me to become Scuba Certified:) yes me! HAHAH I know but I made it through it and I was so glad I did, we scubaed in St. Croix and Barbados so beautiful!! Still freaks me out though! It was a vacation out of a movie so much fun and so beautiful. It was also humbling to see how some people live in our world and it makes me so grateful to call my home the United States of America we have so many blessings. One that stuck out to me was a dishwasher let alone a sink in our kitchens! In St. Lucia I saw women washing there dishes in a small stream and then carrying them back in a dish drainer on their heads while this same stream was used to wash their clothing. Anyway we are SO!! blessed! The vacation in all was fabulous and I was sad to come home to almost 2 feet of snow on our driveway:)
Found a pic. here is me and Mark Scuba diving in Barbados!
A beautiful Waterfall in Antigua
Marks little brother was married Feb. 19 to beautiful Lindsey Robinson now Tims:) way excited to have her in the family she is so cute and fun to hang out with. I made their wedding cake and it turned out ok, a little lumpy but I am still an amature one day the word professional will describe me:)HEHEH! So now Mark is away on business:) (always wanted to say that sounds so important) he is selling security systems in San Diego for 10 days this is the longest we have ever been apart:( I am leaving for my mothers in the morning me and Pais miss him to much to stay in this house much longer (only been a day). I hope to show off pics from the cruise but they are all on Marks phone so until then this is all you get. Hey at least I have a computer again!!